This is a Korean restaurant that I'll recommend to everyone including both Koreans and non Koreans alike. While most of their dishes are prepared well it's the cooked kimchi with pork that really separates this place from other Korean establishments in my opinion. If you like well fermented kimchi it will be worth your time and money for sure. It's also something that is pretty unique so will be a nice thing to experience at least once.
The servers are also extremely generous with their variety of side dishes so you'll never walk out of this place hungry no matter what you order. They are actually generous to a point where it seems wasteful but it's all about that Korean hospitality where the host will not let you walk out unsatisfied.
They have been through two renovations that I know of expanding every time and for a good reason since it gets full during typical meal times very quick. I often opt for takeout during those hours since I don't really enjoy waiting. I don't live in the city anymore but I do try to return here at least once whenever I return to Toronto.