Visited for the first time last week. It was good, but didn't live up to my expectations (perhaps that's my fault). I went in looking for a coffee shop that was serious about coffee roasting and exceptional preparation, and what I found was just OK.
I first ordered a cappuccino. The proportions were great - kudos to the barista for not giving me a latte with a little foam on top. However, the espresso was underwhelming (really dark roast, kinda flat tasting) and the milk was about 200 degrees.
I the ordered a drip coffee, and while they had three varieties to choose from, they were all dark roasts that again fell flat in flavor. Where are the bright Ethiopians? What about tossing in natural processed Costa Rica in there? Something with a little personality please.
So, all in all, it's a decent cup of coffee. Not life changing. Set expectations accordingly.