Rules are based on personal preference. I know the wait time is going to be long because the day before we tried to get in and the wait was 3 hours. So I went here when my son was in school. Got to information line to be put in the system and waited for 40 min before got called by this lady (Shekira) and she said she won't put me in line if my son is not here. I left then came back with my son and waited another 30 min just to get in the "real line" and was told by a very nice lady at the information booth that he doesn't
have to be there to be put in the system for waiting. This is to warn you all and to get in to the "real line" anybody can sign you up. If they insist that you can't, ask for a supervisor or another worker there. Don't leave your spot before asking 2nd opinion!!! If you must leave it ask if you can come back without getting through the information line again. But then again, this is based on who you get or that worker personal preference. If you are not too lucky as I was you might have to spend lots of time waiting.