It's your typical IKEA experience but it is crammed into a traffic nightmare. The store doesn't look smaller than others but they have another facility across the street which you will have to use if you buy the wrong item. For whatever reason, mattresses are in the main building but a box frame requires a trip across the street. It's a bit of a nightmare if you came to buy something like a bed and you have a large truck or a trailer to haul over there.
I had a similar experience to the other people who mentioned that inventory management doesn't seem to be a strong point of this location. We were asked if we wanted the mattress to match the color of the box frame upstairs. We said, sure, why not? Got downstairs and there was no mattress in that slot. We grabbed the one in the next slot (supposedly a different color) and when we got it all put together, they are the same color. Good thing they were out of the "match", I guess.
Is it worth the hassle? Absolutely! Where else can you get an end table for $9.99? For that price, you can grab an extra one and live out your professional wrestler fantasies and throw it around the house.