| - I attended this school. Though I thought some of the teachers were great, some were not. While trying to understand a certain section, and asking my questions. They response I got was "okay" that's it just okay. Not I don't know let me get back to you just "okay". I thought that was bizarre and eventually figured out myself.
But I completed the classes, passed the school test. And struggled with PearsonVue State Exam taking it many times.
Finally decided to look into another set of classes, to help me understand what I was not getting.
I found a Groupon for a different school. I was hesitant... But I purchased the Groupon anyway. (which was half off)
Let me tell you! Best decision ever!! This instructor was on point, engaging, good sense of humor, so many helpful hints and tricks to remember details. He is, hands down the best and knows how to teach his students. Marty Baum is the only teacher at this school. One teacher, one teaching method.
I'll tell you what. I attended his classes, and today I took the State Exam and PASSED! And not scare you, but this test is difficult. It is the hardest test I have ever taken. But I finally did it.
So if you're looking into Real Estate classes you have to check out Baum School of Real Estate at the The Forum, on Warner and Alma School in front of Walmart and next to the car wash. Don't waste you're money on two different schools like I did. Do your research, do it right the first time.
Good luck to you all!!