Thanks to it's popularity: To be avoided. Packed full of gaper tourists from LA who do not smoke cigars. By packed, I mean the entire lounge is at or above capacity. Hard to even move around. This used to be a reasonably quiet lounge where you could smoke a cigar, sample some nice drinks and relax. Now it's full of loud dueling pianos, hideous women with 3/4 exposed bolt-ons and putty knife layered makeup, Jersey Shore wanna-be dudes, and everyone doing the "LA show." I think some of the reviews here say it all. Posers.
FANTASTIC people watching though. It's like that last scene in Casino when Deniro is talking about how Vegas has changed from something intimate and special to a corporate affair. No one really respects anything anymore. No one in suits or even nice clothing. It's all t-shirts and ass-eating shorts with no class. Enjoy!