Run as far away as you can possibly go. Moved to the Vegas area a few short months ago and purchased several thousands of dollars in furniture for our new home, including bedroom sets with mattresses. After a few short months, one of the mattresses in the spare bedroom is starting to collapse after my father-in-law, all of 140 lbs has slept on it for a total of 7 weeks now. After calling Living Spaces, I was told that I would be required to pay a $100 inspection fee for the mattress manufacturer to come out and look at it. I was then told that even if the mattress was determined to be defective, the $100 fee would still apply. Living Spaces will not budge a bit on this fee, so it's either pay the fee or have my father-in-law eventually slide off the side of the collapsing mattress. Very disappointed in this company and will NEVER buy anything from them again.