My drink was "Visined" here by a bartender who I saw take the drink around the side of the bar and I wondered why.. about 20 min later after drinking one drink I was so sick I could not even walk to the bathroom. I had no idea what this phenomena was until I told my Gay friend who is familiar with this tactic at places like this. Why someone would do this is beyond me.
This place is dangerous I was shocked how these trashy women in the bathroom were yelling /taunting at me that I was going to get arrested for being drunk. I HAD ONE DRINK I WAS NOT DRUNK FOR CHRIST SAKE. No one asked if I was ok. I had to call the people I was with from the bathroom...
There is a real criminal redneck crowd here. I felt safer in MEXICO drinking.
Can we say Trailer Trash?
I thought it was a cool place for professionals to hang out and WOW was I wrong. I have never been so terrified in my life and I lived in LA..
It is very dirty there like a cheap motel and a lot of really gross looking men will try to hit on you in disgusting ways. You feel like you have left Madison and went to that place in the movie "Dusk Till Dawn" scary as all hell!