Terrible customer service.
When you book a massage, they make you give a credit card number. They instruct you that they will charge your credit card for the full value of the massage unless you cancel 24 hours in advance. However, those same rules don't apply to them.
I scheduled a massage a week in advance. I got the confirmation call the day before. Then I got a call 3 hours before my massage that they were canceling my massage and wanted to reschedule. Nevermind that I already cleared my Sunday for this. The woman who cancelled wasn't accommodating in the least. She basically said tough luck.
Needless to say, I won't be rescheduling.
Update 10/07:
I received a call from Manager Linda. She read my review and took it upon herself to find the day I called and get my contact information. She was upset to hear about my experience and explained that the Chagrin location recently hired new employees who were still going through training quirks.
Linda apologized profusely for my experience and wanted to make it right. She offered to pay for my massage if I re-scheduled. Wow. Very impressive.
It's nice to see that management still cares when customers are mistreated. In this case, I think Linda definitely went above and beyond and expectations I might have had after poor customer service.