Thank GOD they opened a Lowe's by me. I doubt you'll ever find me in a HD again.
I have never felt so dumb as when I was forced into Home Depot the other day. Just because I look like I have no busines being in a hardware store, doesnt mean that I have no business being in a hardware store. I have money to spend dammit!! Cut me some freaking slack.
I had to search high and low for a "friendly sales representative" who was stick-up-their-ass crabby at best, and watch them look at me like a moron when I asked what aisle a laser level would be in. I'm no Tim-the-Toolman-Taylor but I think thats a pretty common item. QUIT LOOKING AT ME LIKE I SHOULD BE AT A BAR SOMEWHERE AND SHOW ME THE LEVEL AISLE.
I also needed help carrying a huge ceiling fan out of the store. This is not unreasonable but the clerk and helper-guy looked completely put out. You work at HOME DEPOT you jerks, lend an effing hand.
The only reason this crap shoot gets 2 stars is because its always pretty clean, its has a boat load of stuff if you know where to look, and the worker's uniforms are all a lovely matching orange. Thats it.