Worst experience of my life! They will unlawfully threaten to decline your loan solely based on your questioning if the loan will ever close. We experienced months of delays and setbacks for which they have no excuse. We were told we could close about 5 different times. It was a miracle that we closed at all. We had to get the seller to extend 4 times, luckily the branch manager here has some inside relationship with the seller (which is why we were FORCED to choose Castle & Cooke in the first place) and we were able to keep them from walking away. There are a LOT of unethical and unlawful business practices going on at this place. This is the brokerage that gives the entire industry a bad name. If this lender is only one of two you can choose, and the other one is a homeless man operating out of a shed behind Sam's Town, you are more likely to have a positive experience with the homeless man. Avoid Castle & Cooke at all costs! The seller can't legally require you to choose Castle & Cooke, so if they try to put it in your sales contract, just negotiate it out!