Temporary fix for a Midwest staple. I've been here in Arizona for a little over 5 years . Moving from Detroit I stayed eating at a Coney Island at least one meal of the day. So when I heard of the Detroit coney grill I was very excited, an to find out that they were getting their chilli from one of the best if not oldest coneys in Detroit, made it Mir appealing. When I told my wife that there was a coney in the valley we decided to check it out. When we made if to the location I knew I was in the right place. Several people leaving the place with their Detroit tigers fitted I felt at home for a quick second. The vibe inside was nice, some photos on the wall of certain Michigan team an a few other things Detroit. So now we get to the food which is really the reason that we came. Unlike most of the other people who have given reviews I was somewhat unimpressed by the menu as well as pricing an hours. Understand this, I am Detroit in every way shape an form. I've said on many occasions that if there were a coney out here that was exactly how we have them back home you would have a winner. Although the food is nice here, it's menu is missing so much that would make this a great place to go. I don't want to just go to a spot because its reminds me somewhat of home. And I think that this is what's happening with this place. So many people from Michigan have moved out here to the valley that anytime that you hear of anything from home you want to check it out. Coneys are a 24/7 grill with sooooo much to choose from on the menu you sometimes stand at the counter trying hard to make a decision on what to get. Burgers an coney fries are nice however just a scratch of the surface. And 2 bucks for a faygo is highway robbery, especially when you can go to certain qts or circle k's an get a 20 oz for 1 buck. The guy told us that they charge that much because it cost so much to send them out here. I know some may see this as a raggin rant, however it's not. In order to stand the test of time with a business you have to look at everything your patrons are saying an try to make adjustments. If not that same thing can turn around and bite you. Hopefully this is just a start to a great establishment in the valley. I'll be back to see if anything has changed. #whatupdoe