I have been trying this studio out for the past month and have gone 3 times. I will not be back however. I have been practicing Hot Yoga for the past 3 years and generally practice at the Sumits Location in Chandler. I was enjoying the classes here, they are excellent beginner classes and a nice counter balance to the intense workout at Sumits. The flows are a little to fast with little time to perfect the postures though. The studio is clean and the environment around the studio is as well for the most part. The reason I won't be back is because of the people I have encountered there. I know you can't blame a business for its customers but after meeting Karen the owner I think I know where the negative energy is emanating from. She walked up to me and introduced herself and asked how I was finding the class. I told her I was enjoying it and getting exactly what I needed out of it. That it was a very peaceful practice with alot of stretching and a nice counter balance to Sumits where I generally practice. Now at this point Karen could have responded many diffrent ways...maybe "Well Chad we are so happy you are giving us a try we hope you come back" Maybe something like that. This was her response..Mind you I just told her I LOVE Sumits and I have been practicing there for 2 years. So she says "Well they have no air vents there. You can't breathe in their classes" said with a condescending tone and an air of arrogance. I replied "well I really love practicing there and I have never had any trouble breathing" and she replies "Well if you like to do yoga with no air than good for you" or something to that affect- I'm paraphrasing a little. Anyway...I was shocked. I was feeling VERY good after class and didn't really need someone, especially the owner inferring that my favorite place to practice Yoga sucks or that I simply don't know any better. Now I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing this woman is used to people telling her that her studio is incredible and gushing affection all over her. Maybe she's never had to deal with someone with a greater scope of experience giving a critical review maybe she's just a yogi poser who knows. Either way, I will not be back and I'm sure you can guess where you'll find me in the future.