I got the lady gun package. I had a good time despite being nerve wrecked by the noise of bigger guns others were shooting. Shot an AK 47 in pink with hello kitty on it. Handled it as best as my 5'1 & 115 lb self could but enjoyed the hand gun better. Not sure which handgun it was but it kept jamming every other shot or so. Not a big deal to me. The instructor (i forgot his name) was nice and patient with me being anxious. He was also attentive as he reacted quickly to me forgetting about the gun in my hand as I reacted to a hot shell casing landed on my chest. of course that would happen to me.
I really really really dislike guns and this was my first time ever holding a gun, let alone shooting one. Still dislike gun. Don't think I'll ever want to own one but think it is important to be familiar with it and know how to shoot; you know in case of a zombie apocalypse. Archery is next.