My wife and her friends went last night for gnocchi boot camp and honestly, I was a little jealous. I got a call from her just a few minutes before the class started inviting me to come on up to the school, they had a cancellation in the group. Woo hoo! And am I ever glad that I got to go.
First, the facility is awesome. It's located in a century home and they have all of the bells and whistles that we'd all love to have. The cooking surfaces have an angled mirror that reflects out toward the combo prep/dining tables that you'll use as a student so that you'll not miss any of Loretta's amazing skills as a teacher and chef.
The gnocchi were excellent and served with some amazing sauces. They were just as the name implies, which I understand is little clouds. Loretta has an excellent but small kitchen wares store and the items were priced fairly. For example a Wustof Classic 8" Chef's Kinfe, $99, same price as Amazon.
They serve a couple of bottles of wine, which is always necessary when cooking imho, and the entire experience was a lot of fun.
Loretta is a very enthusiastic chef. She'll make you feel challenged, yet comfortable, and guaranteed she'll make you laugh.
Give it a try some time and let us know what you think.