I've been in this house for a few months and I am not impressed.
The guy who lived here before me got evicted. I know that because CAH left a bunch of his mail and his eviction notice in a drawer in the house.
I also know that that same guy had a drinking problem because I found 8 empty Jagermeister bottles tucked away over the fridge.
Every week is another problem in this house that was caused by the shitty way it was refurbished.
The bathroom sink, the kitchen sink, the bathroom vent, the front window, the dead outlets, the loose wires, the clogged dryer vent, the drafty backroom.
I can;t wait to see what surprises summer brings.
The guy who showed us this house was nice but I would expect better customer serviced from a soulless corporation.
Colony American Homes is NOT a landlord, even if the Supreme Court says they are people.
Inspect the house in detail before you sign the lease, because after you move in, they will blame everything on you or say the house is rented "as is."