Another morning spent at CSI Annex in the Coffee Pub. I have to admit, that I do love the CSI co-working model. You're surrounded by people who are making a difference in the world - it's so empowering!
Only good ones in here. I overheard the community animator saying "Hello, Welcome to work _(insert name here)___" with a big glowing smile on her face. Who wouldn't want to come to work to see that?
CSI Annex also has The Coffee Pub, which is the coffee bar that operates out of the space. I have had two awesome lattes from there (served in Beer mugs, no less), and the price is comparable ($3.50), but I stay away from their baked goods and sandwiches as those tend to be on the pricy side.
Love. Lovelovelovelovelove. I can't help it. The people in CSI are just great people. So there is love, but sometimes there is a little stab of jealousy at the awesome jobs these people are finding money to do....finding so much for it, that they can afford to work at CSI on an ongoing basis (see for their rates).
A guy behind me reciting a presentation. Two people beside me talking about an upcoming project, and seen on the walls - poetry! Written on the blackboard. Until recently all that was overheard was construction in this pub, but they've recently completed all that.
- meeting up with a business partner
- brainstorming
- coming up with good ideas
- saving the planet
- doing good
- causing change
- meeting others who can help you move your project along