| - When purchasing clothes, this place is a virtual haven for great finds, but I would not sell my used clothes here. I came here with a friend when she was cleaning out her closet. For three big bags, containing big name clothes and shoes, she received a meager amount of money. Yet then they turn around and charge three or four times as much for it. It is not because they sell it for a ridiculous price, the atrocity comes from how much they give for good quality items. It is better to just donate your clothes to a charity that gives it straight to the people. That way you can rake in some good karma.
Although I do not condone selling here, I am a fan of shopping here. There is nothing more rewarding that to find the perfect pair of vintage jeans for less than ten bucks, or a chunky cardigan in an obscure color. I know that my advice does not add up. Without people selling to this place then how would I be able to buy? Good thing not everyone heeds my advice, if they did, I would be looking to go into politics or becoming a cult leader. It is better, for the world, that not everyone follow my lead. Sometimes my own friends regret following me.