When my little brother told me they where expecting I was thrilled for him, but I was even more honored to be invited for the sonogram.
When I arrived it looks like a small space, just the lounge, the receptionist area and the sonogram room. As the time came near to her scheduled appointment, her & my family started rolling in ( 15 deep at least) and I thought how are we going to do this?
When she was called we where walked into a room with at least 6 full length couches and of course the station for the soon to be mother. It was literally a screening of my nephew on the big screen.
They showed different images of the baby in 3D & 4D and it was a beautiful moment, you get to hear the heartbeat see the baby moving, you can almost start to see who the baby will look like but I was still in shock that I was on a couch looking at a huge wall screen sonogram of my nephew and was recording with my cellphone and taking pictures galore.
This is something I strongly urge you to share with your entire family.