I saw the Blue Man Group last week with high expectations. It is one of the longest running shows in Las Vegas (although it is moving soon to the Monte Carlo) and is performed in a few other cities across the country. Understandably, I was excited.
And while there were many great scenes, I thought the show lacked continuity. The three blue men would spend 5-10 minutes beating on drums and then for seemingly no reason start climbing the chairs in the audience. Then in the next scene they performed a very impressive marshmellow throwing trick (I won't spoil it) that seemed really random in execution. While everything they did was impressive, I've seen similar things done on the streets of Las Vegas Boulevard. I was especially confused with what each had to do with one another.
The show does get points for humor though. The comedic timing of the three blue men was terrific and there were at least a couple full laugh-out-loud moments. They also had some fun audience participation that would presumably make each show a little different. Plus it was very simple, slap stick humor, so it was appropriate for the whole family.
Ultimately, I enjoyed the show but it just didn't live up to the hype or the price.