I dont care if the condescending grinning supervisor reads this. My son was assaulted on multiple occasions during the Summer Day camp. I have no complaints about the skate park section (haven't tried it.) No complaints about the martial arts classes (it was perfectly fine, just not our thing.) No complaints on the fitness center (Meh its ok. Not the biggest thing in the world, but that's not the only important part to a fitness center.) HOWEVER when I put my son in your program, though I expect little problems, dont you dare punish my child for pushing away another child who had him trapped in a corner on the floor. Do not imply my son is a perverted groping sicko. Dont tell me your staff is excellent when multiple horrible things have occured to my son, with little to nothing being done, and then fire back with well it's his fault level nonsense. I don't care that you didnt believe me. I dont care that you don't believe my son. When it comes down to it, the Hollywood Day Camp staff will do all that it can to cover it's own ass.