| - There is no justification in the service I received. I went to meet a couple of friends the Friday before last. They happen to run into a friend of theirs. That gentlemen ordered some shots, drinks and dinner. I heard him tell the bartender it was on his boss's tab. A while later they tried to get him to pay his tab. He said "I told you it was on my boss's tab" Long story short, his boss had left and they never put it on his tab. Some time goes by, the manager walks over to myself and the gentleman I was sitting with. He asked if we knew this other man. The gentleman I was with says he knew him a little, I stated I've never met him before. The manager asked if we can get him to pay his tab. (I personally find this to be extremely tacky and unprofessional) We did not come here with this man, it is not our responsibility). I've bartended in Scottsdale and Vegas. It is the server/bartenders responsibility
to get the credit card when starting a tab. After all, they did make sure to get mine. The manager stated it was just 1 drink ('what's the big deal'?) I clarified with him that it was just one drink? Again he stated yes. I didn't want to deal with trying to get some man I don't know to pay his tab and I didn't enjoy my evening being interrupted by this nonsense, so I said "If it's just one drink, put it on my tab" (which I shouldn't have to do). The manager shook my hand and said thank you.
30 min later I closed out my tab. Keep in mind all I had was 2 drinks and bought my friend a drink. My tab was $62.00!!! The bartender ended up putting that mans entire tab on mine. I called her over and I told her I found that to be very sneaky and disrespectful. She stated I said I would pay for the whole thing. I stated that was incorrect, she continued to argue with me. Why are we arguing? This is not my friend nor my tab. There is NOTHING to argue about.
She finally went to speak to the manager. After about 10 minutes, she comes back has me sign a voided sales receipt for the 62.00. She never apologizes and then runs my card for my drinks plus one of his. I understand I said I would pay for this mans drink, but being that he had an entire tab it seems desperate to have a complete stranger pay for 1 of his drinks just to minimize how much of his tab they'll have to eat. Every bar has a spill/comp tab. They shouldn't make anybody else responsible for this...On top of the unprofessionalism, arguing, lack of apology, and wait time to get this solved. As a person who runs a business myself, if my employees neglect to follow protocol (ie; neglect to obtain credit card in this case,)
I eat the cost. I most certainly wouldn't have another paying customer cover it.
To make matters worse, myself and a friend (who frequents this establishment) went in to talk to a manager about this incident. I gave the MOD my business card and have yet to hear back from anyone. It has been 10 days. I never yelp about a place without giving the manager an opportunity to fix there you have it folks... They lack professionalism big time in this place.