| - $15 for a headache-producing, cheapskate, tourist trap roller coaster. Seriously, Disneyland isn't even this bad.
As we were seated, I took out my phone to take pictures of myself and three fries in my row and the row behind us. three psycho attendants ran over yelling "NO PHONES, NO PHONES" as if I had a knife. They made me unbuckle and go to a locker and put it away, with a snarky attitude by one saying "the signs said no phones".
I honestly did not see the sign, but then realize they do that so you buy their overpriced and terrible photos even if you said you don't want any done by the roller coaster photographer . . . who, by the way, runs by without warning snapping pictures then expect you to buy them
Cmon now, I know this is Vegas but Disneyland at least emails you the photos for free.
Besides the leg bars, there are two bars that pull down next to your head and rest above your shoulders. These are the dumbest parts of the roller coaster. I don't know what they are trying to prevent, but these give you a headache and neck ache because the coaster is so shaky and rocky, your shoulders, neck, and head just keeps hitting the bars.
$15 wasted on a bumpy, boring coaster.