I would give them more stars but after giving chance after chance I'm just over it.
This place is great if you don't come here all the time.
But if you try to come in nightly or more than once in a week count on none consistent food.
Order after order I ask for carne asada fries extra crispy fries and everytime they undercook my fries purposefully.. Like what the heck?!
Even after tipping all the time I would think something would change but apparently not.
That's what really blows my mind is that I tip ALWAYS. Never less than 3 dollers...
Never feel the love at this place. Or like they care at all.
Especially the evening and night workers they're the worst.
So I'm giving up on this place and going back to Jefes tacos just down the road.
Portions or WAY BIGGER!! And they actually listen to you when you ask for simple things like extra crispy fries LMFAO...