| - Yay for locally-owned businesses, especially bakeries!
I love love love sweets, especially baked goods, so I decided that would be the perfect thing to give up for the Lenten season. In preparation for abstaining from cookies, cakes, donuts, pies, and ice cream for 40 days, my sister and I threw ourselves a 3-day Fat Tuesday bash. I knew Layers was voted Best of Las Vegas, so I figured this would be the perfect time to experience their bakery side.
In anticipation of an exciting visit like this, I went ahead and scoped out their Yelp reviews to make sure I got all the best stuff. A lot of it had to do with the actual food and the table bussing, but I can't comment on those because we didn't eat. I WAS a little turned-off by the snarky comments posted by the owner in response to some of the less-than-glowing reviews, but we were in this in the name of research!
The day we went in, they only had a few (non-gluten-free....gluten-full? glutened?) cookies out, but they had many different types of dessert bars. We tried all the cookies and almost all the bars. Delicious. Some of my faves were the pumpkin cheesecake bar, caramelita, white chocolate strawberry, and grizzle something. The molasses cookie was a little on the bland side, but the chocolate chip, peanut butter, and peanut butter puddle were all good. I have fond memories of making Linzer cookies with my mom and wanted to try Layers' Linzer tartlet, but at $4.50, thought it a little high.
Overall, I thought the baked goods were excellent. The inside of the shop is cute. It's locally-owned. They use organic ingredients. But they do not get five stars because of the price ($1.75/cookie, $2.25/bar, no quantity or box discount that I know of). Normally, I would leave it at that, but Greg and Jeanne are careful to mention they want to keep costs down (hence the self-bussing) in their many comments on this page, and they even ask you to use cash instead of credit via a sign at the register. All that self-righteousness seems a little out of place, considering these are the highest prices of any LV bakery I've visited thus far.
Bottom line: great desserts. Expect to pay for it.