Cartridge World is one of those places that refills old print cartridges and sells them back at a reduced price (about 50% cheaper than a new one).
I've been to them twice, the first time I didn't have any problems but this most recent visit was a pain. I took in my HP cartridge and they didn't have any replacements in stock so the lady there offered to refill the one I brought in. I agreed and I left my phone number so she could call me when it was ready... she said it would take about an hour. 3 hours later she calls and I go pick it up. She says she wasn't very confident that the refilling job worked and if I have any problems I can return it the next day.
I did have a problem, it printed horribly... I can't believe she even gave it to me like that. I returned it and she didn't make any effort to find a replacement from another store or order one for me. I left empty handed and I won't be going back to that location.