Wow. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this place yet. So I love the finer things in life, don't get me wrong. And Vegas has SOOO much to offer in this regard. And then there's La Scena anytime time after 1 am. On each trip to Vegas I can't go without visiting La Scena.
It is the most AMAZING people watching. Reminds me of the bar Mandalay Bay used to have right in the middle where the hookers always hung out. You really see it all here. Amusing. Especially after a few cocktails. The ladies of the night are everywhere. And the John's "in the know" about this provide ample fodder for conversations. Note: These are not Wynn caliber ladies of the night. These are strictly working women.
I also love the band that used to play there. Not sure if they still do. They had a lead singer who was great. Step aside Steel Panther! Peter's in town! he could sing it all - from Cher to AC/DC. Did I mention the dancing that goes on?
Anyway, if you're looking for the pretty people and a Vegas hotspot - go somewhere else. If you're looking for some good people watching, this is your spot!