Wow- I was blown away by Reviv. I was not sure what to expect and was a little anxious about going, but they exceeded my expectations a million times over. This was my first time to Vegas and it was my bachelorette party, so it's not unexpected that I may have had a bit too much to drink on my first night. They next day I was so sick and could not eat or drink anything. I spent the entire day in my hotel room in bed throwing up every 10 minutes. By dinner time I was still unable to keep anything down. I was concerned that I was becoming too dehydrated. I am a registered nurse and was very skeptical of these types of places. I told my sister I was afraid we were going to some "back alley with dirty needles." I said if I didn't feel that they were being clean enough then we would leave. However......this was very much not the case. The staff was incredibly friendly and knowledgeable. An experienced RN started my IV and fluids and made me feel at ease. Not to mention I had a private room that my sister and I could sit in and we had massage chairs and dimmed lighting. They also gave us blankets and water. I truly felt like VIP. I was done in less than an hour, and I'm telling you, when I was only halfway done with the bag I already felt 100 times better. I no longer had nausea or a headache. My muscle cramps went away and I was able to keep the water down that I was drinking. I truly felt revived and while I didn't go out and rage that night, I was able to have a couple of drinks and go out with my friends. It was worth every penny, and next time instead of wasting an entire day feeling completely miserable and like I was going to die, I'm going to go straight to Reviv...