Why is it so hard to be honest? I understand it's your job to up-sell your services, but to blatantly lie to people and recommend them types of fluid changes and deem them "urgent or else" is just bad service.
I don't know if I just came on an evening for an oil change when they were particularly bored, but I had like 5 people checking my fluids/tires/doing the oil change when it's usually a 1 or 2 person job..
Long story short; they wanted to charge me 125$ to change my rear differential fluid.. he went through a whole schpiel about how urgent I need to get it changed or else... had it checked by another shop and it was fine. Irked. Also, Valvoline does it for 65$.
Done with all Mr. Lubes from this point on. I despise being lied to - sales or not.