Stay away from Public Storage unless you have attorney and insurance company handy. This has to be the worst company in the storage business thats publicly traded. I lost my stuff within 35 days. They cut my lock to look to see if anything was of value then trashed my stuff which was my clothes. They did this within 48 hours without any proper notice nor did they mentioned it while I was on the phone. I get email saying that I moved out and I still owed $126. I called today to verify. They simply trashed my stuff it was not worthy of auction. Now I have retain an attorney and take them to court. Their district manager back his property manager on the illegal procedure which I am testifying in court as fraud and possible wire fraud. Irony this truly my fault for choosing to business despite losing my stuff to a burglary incident in Houston Texas 5 years ago. Even the mandatory insurance didn't really want to reimburse me for that then. Give a second chance and I got burnt.