I desperately needed a new computer this past weekend. Both my PCs were fried. Fried more than I was in the 80s (ohhhhh the LSD then was phenomenal!). Fried like they wouldn't even turn on. Old. Not worth fixing. I was going to buy my very first laptop! (Don't laugh. I'm cooler than you anyway.)
So, I walked the computer section for a few moments. There were 4 or 5 salesboys standing around, nobody on me like a hawk. That's good, because I pretty much knew what I wanted. So, I shout, "Who wants commission??" and 3 of them say "We don't make commission." Whatever. I am in sales and know that's a sales line. Ha!
So, I ask a guy to compare two of the laptops and he was straight-up honest. Both were within $50 as far as their prices and I chose the Dell. He even gave me 10% off. I'm not telling you which cutie he was, because I want to feel special about my discount.
Didn't try too hard to sell me on the Geek Squad warranty. Left happy and it didn't take forever. AND I'm typing on my new laptop RIGHT now!