| - Let me preface this by saying that I love Zoe's coffee. This has been one of my favorite spots in town for a few years. My friends and I have loved hanging out for hours on Monday nights for craft night, where we ordered a lot of coffee and tea (and food) while knitting and working on other arts and crafts. Unfortunately, I won't be hanging out here anymore.
The food is still good, and the baristas/bar tenders are friendly, but the environment has become much too loud and rambunctious. Tonight, we came in for coffee, crafts, and board games, but found a loud jam session instead. They had the volume cranked as high as possible, drummer playing as loud as he could. The "musicians" weren't playing any kind of organized song--mostly just all playing their own thing without any regards to what everyone else on stage was doing. It got louder as the night progressed, with "vocalists" screaming and yelling into the microphones. Feedback, speakers popping, discordant guitars...we stayed for two hours, hoping it would stop and trying to shout over it. But even shouting, we couldn't hear each other. Usually we would stay until midnight or closing, but tonight we left early, and we won't be coming back.
Mind you, this was not on an open mic night, when you expect loud music and awkward amateurish performances. This was a Monday night. Mondays at Zoes used to be pleasant. Now we're looking for a new spot for us to hang out, where we can talk and enjoy each other's company. It's unfortunate, because the food and coffee are still the best cafe fare in town, but my ears are still ringing from tonight, and I just won't put up with this anymore.