The drive itself was a blast but the customer service after the ride left a lot to be desired. The young ladies "manning" the booth had zero clue about what they were doing. Which was a big deduct. I had to explain repeatedly which package was mine, the bennies that came with it, etc.
I did the Mario Racing experience and they printed the NASCAR certificate instead of the Mario one. Gave me the NASCAR hat instead of the Mario one. I paid for the video and they weren't going to give me that until I pressed the point.
But probably the worst of it all was the fact that we got half way across Clark county when I realized they didn't give me my driver's license back. What a pain in the butt and if you know anything about traffic in Las Vegas, you get my drift. We had to deal with all that, which of course, cut almost two hours out of our short weekend.
I see several complaints here about no refunds being offered. One thing I can say in defense of the company, is that there were several places on the forms that repeatedly said NO REFUNDS. You were warned but are now complaining? I don't get it.