| - A disgrace to the medical profession. I survived attempted murder in 2006, and my neuro system miswired itself that leaves me in a state of near catatonia, and near narcolepsy, once every 2 years or so. I waited many minutes to fill out an insane amount of paperwork. Then I wanted two hours. I KNOW which med fixes my problem, and I only use it a VERY short time, as I'm aware the med is not good for a person, over time. Within 45 seconds, she said "we don't prescribe that." "we are wasting each others time." I said, "at least you're right about something. I told her when I'm killed in a car accident, after falling asleep at the wheel, and kill an entire family and their kids in the other car, because you are 'helping' me by preventing a cure, I'll make sure you're invited to their funeral." The reviews on other places are way worse than two stars. They. Don't. Care. About. Medical. Problems that could lead to people dying. They SERIOUSLY do not care. I'm sure they'll bill my insurance $500 for that 45 seconds.
They are a sick joke and corrupt as hell, milking the insurance system by helping from what I've read, very few. zero stars. The receptionist kept my insurance card and ID, then I had to fight with her to get them back, after she denied she did that. She did not apologize. Rather than go here, impale yourself with a rod iron, or pull your teeth out with pliers. It will benefit you more than this blight in the corrupt insurance billing system which could not care less about human's health, let alone, saving lives from dangerous medical conditions. So if I kill you on the road after I fall asleep at the wheel with ZERO notice of a problem coming, and I somehow survive, write the responsibility party: These clowns in gowns. I am deeply skeptical of positive reviews. Probably their family members shilling to help them keep bilking the insurance system.