| - I am exhausted by your continued lack of respect, remorse, and care for the community in which you CHOSE to build your facility in. When you petitioned to build here, it was expressed that you preferred to reside in residential communities because of the family feel and importance of family or the organization. However, for the last two years, what you have shown with twice weekly parties with excessively loud music and fireworks was a greater concern for money than the residents that were disrupted every Friday and Saturday. Wednesday was a last straw though. On Tuesday and Wednesday night, nights that their calendar indicated they were closed, work nights, school nights, which you chose to a party with music and an MC loud enough to be heard half a mile way, and then fireworks to the the night. This disruption needs to stop. Furthermore, they have removed all options to speak with a person have been removed from their phone services, so efforts to seek information from them Is now non-existent. If I could rate lower than one star, I would.