| - It's a shame I have to give this even one star. Worst "experience" ever and not the first time. Forget the fact it was extremely hot and muggy in the store, and I waited one and a half hours before getting taken care of, at the minimum someone could have offered me some water. Out of four groups of people waiting only "one" lady was offered some water and only after waiting for God knows how long to get service. The kicker is I went in because my phone is defective and is insured, and I was told I would have to go to "another location" to get this resolved. Okay, no problem, but had they asked me even a few basic questions when I arrived, I could have made it to the other location before they closed, instead of waiting an hour and a half of my life that I can never get back. This is the same reason I dropped the at&t Security system I had with them, POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. I can't wait for my contract to be up so I can change carriers. To think all they would have had to do is ask me a couple questions or even offer me a cup of water and I would have been happy. Forget me though I feel so bad for the elderly couple that walked in standing around with no clue until someone finally said HI and only after another lady walked in the store, I'm sorry but eye contact and greeting is customer service 101... WOW... I hate writing bad reviews, but WOW worse service ever, worse than Best Buy, but at least they are improving.