| - Travis,
On behalf of both my wife and myself, I want to sincerely thank you and your skilled team for the amazing transformation you performed on our yard in such an unbelievable timeframe! We absolutely, positively could not be more pleased with your work, nor could we be more impressed by you and your crew's expertise, professionalism and attention to detail.
Dollar-for-dollar, we simply don't know how any landscaping company in Las Vegas can compete with Ultimate Landscaping when it comes to value and quality of work.
The truth is, we had absolutely no idea how much TLC our yard needed until your crew first arrived for cleanup. The amount of work they completed during those first hours literally saved us 3-4 weekends of backbreaking labor. Plus, we took great comfort knowing that your crew knew exactly how to trim our trees and shrubs, as well as which should be removed.
Beyond that, we greatly appreciate the fact that you and your team truly listened to us when we described our vision for our yard. It brings us great pride every time we walk our property and see our personal selections adorning our front and backyard spaces, and we are equally elated with the selections you and your team made. Without knowing the harsh desert landscape as you do, we would never have been able to find such beautiful and environmentally appropriate plants, nor would we have had any clue where to place them for optimal sunlight and/or shade.
Thank you again for a job exceptionally well done!