| - "Sink water, cigarettes and acetone." Those were the words that came out the mouths of my sisters to describe the flavors of the "food" at Big Horn yesterday.
I am so livid after paying $34 and some change for this horrific slop. I hope every P.O.S. that wrote a 4 or 5 star review for this place goes to Hell. Every time a person writes a review giving high marks, when they know the food is mediocre, they're swindling money from future customers, even if they're not the ones receiving it.
After leaving without ordering at Pit Stop, I took my two sisters out to lunch while my dad and brother went fishing at Lake Mead. Eff. What a mistake. It was 5:20 PM when we walked in yesterday (7/10/11) and it was a ghost town. I would have felt like such an ass turning around and walking out when the waitress looked excited that somebody finally walked in, so we took a table. Mistake.
Really, $7.98 for the kids' meals? 3 chicken strips and fries for a 5 year old cost me $8?! Between the completely empty restaurant, and the bizarre menu mix with prices that don't match the ambiance or the location ($4 to add chicken to a Caesar salad?!) We should have walked out right then.
We all ordered waters. My youngest sister (the 5 year old) took a drink, scrunched up her nose and said, "This tastes like sink water." The water tasted dirty and full of chlorine. You could actually smell the water. My other sister (21 year old) said she wasn't going to drink it unless she had to wash something down. It was horrible.
So we ordered 1 kid's meal with chicken strips, my sister ordered a plain Caesar salad ($7.98) and I ordered the chicken tajine ($15.98.) My dish came with either minestrone soup (how an Italian soup goes with anything else on the menu is beyond me) or a side salad. I ordered the side salad with blue cheese dressing.
My salad looked fine. The dressing tasted like it was one of those Ken's dressing packets, even though it was served in a little tin cup. The waitress brought out pita bread and butter for the table with my salad. The pita bread had strange little burn marks all over it. My sister took a bite and said "this tastes like a cigarette." The bread had the weirdest burnt smoky taste - like the grill had caught fire. I honestly think the bread had been heated in a burnt pan. It was gawd awful and had a funky burnt smell, even on the parts that weren't burnt.
When the food came out, I was ticked. This tajine looked like a scoop of rice pilaf, green olives stuffed with pimentos and a boneless, skinless chicken breast that had been boiled in water with turmeric. The only thing that looked decent was the green zucchini... until I turned it over. The zucchini on the side facing up looked like it had been lightly sauteed. I flipped all the pieces over and SURPRISE! every piece was dark brown or full on black. Yep, apparently they didn't think I would be able to notice when tasting the food that it was burnt.
The rice was BLAND. I added a ton of butter packets (from the cigarette pita basket) and salt and pepper. Nothing could add any flavor to it. I took a bite of the chicken. It wasn't seasoned. (When I brought it home in a to go box, my mom took one look at it and agreed it wasn't seasoned.) I've made tajine before - I'm some white chick from Texas and I can make it 1,000 times better than this place. Tajine (Tagine) is supposed to be this wonderful, fragrant, sweet and savory dish containing diced meat, carrots, peppers, eggplant, cinnamon, allspice, garlic, turmeric, cumin, cayenne, dried fruit (raisins or apricots) and onions. This... this was not tajine. This was crap.
My sister took a bite of her Caesar salad and said "this dressing tastes like acetone." Why would dressing taste like acetone (nail polish remover)? Because it is rancid. The only thing decent we all ate was the three of us shared the kids meal - which came with a little tin cup of Kraft ranch dressing. It has a distinct fake taste.
This was by far the WORST meal I've ever had. This empty restaurant, with its sticky tables, flip-flop clad waitress, overpriced, burnt, dirty food needs a date with Gordon Ramsey on Kitchen Nightmares. The fact that nobody is coming in should be a huge red herring to the owners that the food is awful and the prices are outrageous.
The quality of the food is lacking so much that this food should be going for max, $5 a plate.
I have never been so livid and felt so ripped off in all my life after eating at a restaurant. I want my money back. I hope the owner is reading this review and takes note. My receipt is the one that has the word's "I'm going to review this place on later." Please refund my money because the food was atrocious. Shameful!