So much for 5 star!!! And man why
Didn't I just stay with Joe!! How did I get switched!!! I'm so over gaudin, I may just start driving to centennial so I can get some real customer service!!!
They've had my car 8days to fix transmission and brake problems under warranty, my car is 1yr old...
They don't have loaner cars, that's what "our extended warranty package is for" oh really? Well if the cars problems were my fault and not a default covered by the warranty then I could understand that.
So I get a "rental" from enterprise to be paid by dealer, I pay taxes of $14.
Not realizing that was PER DAY...and these fine people here at Gaudin had my car for 8 DAYS!!!! Yes that's right, I just had to fork over $115 in fees for a rental I really shouldn't have had if the mechanics and inspections of my car went fluid like they should have!!!
And what do they have to say "you charges for us are only $48, everything else was covered".
Ya, emails to management, directors and Ford executives to follow tonight.