After going to 24 Hour Fitness for years, and having the monthly dues creep up and up, I decided to check out the Y. I am so thankful I did. We joined (family) and the rate is great. It's so convenient and everyone is very friendly. It took me a little while to get used to the smaller size of this facility, compared to 24 Hour Fitness, but my husband has always found an open treadmill when he goes.
I prefer the classes, and they have SO MANY offered. I wish the Zumba studio was a bit larger because there are many members who attend. I also wish there were more FANS in the room. Two would be wonderful and fans that ossilate to hit at least half of the room. There is one stationery stand-fan in there currently but some people move them over near where they stand at the front and in the corner, and the air doesn't move much further than their little area. So far, that's my only peeve.
Other than that, there is plenty of parking, the place is clean and the cardio room has modern equipment. There is a fair amount of weight room equipment also. I really like the fact that you can log and track your visits with just the swipe of your Preva key card to keep track of what you've done for the day.