We roll up and normally when you're at a smog busters somebody comes right out and asked you for help. We set around in 110° looking for somebody and finally my daughter went out and knocked on the door and he yelled I'll be right out two minutes later he rolls out. Then he came out and said something and I told him we had a coupon and he went back in his little hat for a minute. When he came out I sat in the car and he just stood around and then finally he said would you exit the car please. I exit the car and he fumbled around trying to get things together. I really think he was stoned. Finally he finished the project and he said is this going to be cash or card and I said cash and he said I will give it to you for the coupon right you take care me and I'll take care you. I said, I already told you I had a coupon. He was angling for a tip and had a big tip jar saying tips are appreciated. With a bunch of money in it. I think he should tipped me because I didn't lose my patience on him.