Got my hair CHOPPED OFF at great clips in Aurora Ohio Friday. It was a "wim. Should ve thought about it a LOT more. The girl who did "the job", was INEXPERIENCED. ( should've known the minute i saw her (! She should not have been there. Yet. I asked for a kind of messy look. (Needed a change) She buzz cut the back & sides; left me a little bangs, ( i stopped her from cutting more) Then to make me feel WORSE, she charged me $28. For a haircut i wasn't at all satisfied with. Walked out VERY UNHAPPY, never to return again. ????????? Why do "they" hire these employees who don't know what they are doing. Now i have to wait 3months for my hair to grow out so i look like a woman again. I'm 76yrs old & just lost my son, so that's why i needed a change. This is NOT THE CHANGE I WANTED!!!!!!!!!! I will give you my name.Barbara Perk. Please answer