I love, love, love this store. Other than an actual Farmer's Market I can't find a better deal on fresh produce. The also have an extensive health supplement section.
Staff is _always_ cheerful and helpful, and having this kind of store open until 10 every night ROCKS!
Their specials can be very good and change weekly. For instance, one month they were offering discounts on ALL gluten free foods (well tagged) which was very helpful to someone like me who experiments with my diet. Another week the had 25% off ALL supplements (I went nuts on Udo's and Raw Vitamin products).
Note: They normally offer a monthly flyer and a weekly flyer. On Wednesdays, the previous week AND the current week specials are vaild.
I'm not sure what other people are complaining about regarding prices. I meticulously keep a database of the products I buy, where I buy them and how much they cost. Other than a few bulk items I buy at Costco (and of course Farmer's markets) these are the lowest I've found.
That being said, I can't always find what I want at Farmer's markets, and since I shop for only one, I don't require bulk foods so much.