| - The absolute worst company and most unethical business I have ever encountered. Three of the four crew members had never even moved a house before, it was their first day on the job. The one experience guy Mr. Gonzales started off his introduction with "man, I am so tired, I was up until 3 AM last night." When I called the company and told them that these guys are standing around waiting for Mr. Gonzales to tell them what to do and he is not telling them what to do and they cannot figure out that all they need to do is bring everything to the truck, they said they would discount me after the move. Two dressers were broken during the move and their response was, "cheap furniture." When the company arrived to the new house Mr. Gonzalez informed me there were three items that they could not fit on the truck and they had to leave at the old house. My wife and I had to help them unload so we wouldn't catch them sitting playing on their phones again. When I called the company after the move to get my discount, they offered me 4% off. A whopping $33. Later on that night, five hours later I went back to the old property to grab the three items that were left, and found over $5000 of my property sitting in my garage and house, with the garage left wide open and the front door wide open, and the back sliding Glass door partially opened. It was 103° outside and my AC unit was running non-stop trying to cool it down to 75°. A temperature that the crew must've set. Convenient of them to leave my doors open with all this merchandise in the house still, perhaps so they can come back and take it?? When I called the company they said there is nothing they can do, I even talked with the owner twice who hung up on me after asking me what I want. Consumer stay away!