My husband and I went to osaka on a Wednesday night. Atmosphere was pretty good until the chef came to prepare the food. Important note- his friend was also sitting at our dinner table. As soon as he starts cooking, he asked the waitress to get him a drink...
The night proceeded to get more and more awkward by the minute. The chef and his friend began talking about how terrible osakas management is. They were also talking bad about other employees aka our waitress and the other chef.
He proceeded to talk about how bad his manager was and how "crazy" she is . after the bartender cut the chefs friend off, he then came back to the table cursing and blaming the waitress as listed above.
The chef made no attempt to interact with any other customers which made for very bad experience.
If I were his manager and heard the way he talked about me and other staff, I wouldn't even be mad, if be embarrassed.
It should go without saying, will not be returning.