After a long day at work and didn't feel like cooking dinner so I decided to pick up some Chick-Fil-A on my way home. I get there around 6:30 to a FULL drive-thru. After waiting almost 15mins in the drive-thru line alone I get to order and quickly get my food. I pull out of the plaza and stop less than a block away at a red light so I decide to check my food. I clearly noticed I had someone else's order because it was not even close to mine. I make and immediate u-turn and return to the still very long drive-thru line. I finally get to the order speaker and explain what happened. I'm asked to pull up to the window and a very youth and confused teenager tries to make it seem like I'm wrong because that's what I ordered and paid for like it said in the receipt. By now I'm steaming mad and ask for a manager. The manager with plenty of attitude takes the wrong food back and gives me my correct order. I ask her what about the difference between what I paid and what my correct order was because I noticed my correct order was less expensive. I told her I didn't need the change and asked if I could get a brownie to make up the difference they owed me + the hassle. She quickly responded something like "the brownie is $1.39 and the difference we owe you is only $.38 cents so you will have to pay the difference plus tax." I was shocked and lost for words at the awful customer service I was getting from one of my favorite fast food places. After a few seconds of feeling like I was going to have a stroke from the anger I finally managed to ask for my $.38 cents back which she quickly gave to me. Since I have yet to eat at any Chick-Fil-A
because my pride don't let me give a single penny to that company. I tell this factual story to any one who will listen because I cant believe Chick-Fil-A lost a life time customer over $1.01+tax.