If you truly appreciate the purity and Zen-line qualities of sushi, then you're in for the best upscale ethnic experience the Valley has to offer.
I'm by no means a foodie or culinary expert. Take me to a fancy French restaurant and I'm lost. Bring me to Sea Saw and everything just makes perfect sense. One gets the impression that painstaking care went into each dish that comes out. It's hard to take a bite that doesn't leave you pondering the reasoning that went into the ingredients chosen... the multi-layered sensory overload that comes from the layers of taste... the absolute artistic genius that brings the flavor together to create a near Japanese masterpiece.
This Old Town space is small so make sure to reserve at least a week or two in advance. Be prepared to spend some money -- tasting w/ wine is $125 (yet very highly recommended!). For the past 3 years the tasting has been my birthday dinner. This year I'm headed to The French Laundry and until then (and maybe after), this restaurant ranks as my world favorite.