What a great experience located in the South end of uptown. With any new experience, I will ask what is either most popular or recommended. I ended up with a waiter that probably knew about as much as me just by looking at the menu. I didn't ask how long he had worked there. I ended up with the treasure pot. Excellent choice. Portion size is on the money for lunch. The sushi is pretty good if you absolutely must have sushi for lunch. I had the 13 year old with me. If it passed her approval then I know we were in a good spot. Pros are good selection from a wide range of Asian fair. Cons are ensuring you time the place right as it gets crowded for lunch, ensuring you land a good waiter/waitress and asking for a little bit of a higher health score. I prefer sushi served in restaurants that are 99-100+.
FYI, like E2, this restaurant is on the more expensive side for lunch. The atmosphere is hip contemporary. Know what you're expecting here for lunch. Unless you happen to be within walking distance to some of our best Charlotte sushi/Asian joints (not in Uptown I promise), then go knowing it's the best place close by.