So Disappointed :(( ------ We were so super stoked to come and enjoy an awesome lunch with this establishment. We're in town for the Phoenix Film Festival and just wanted a bite to eat. My children were invited by one of the employees into the Hot Dog stand to receive 20% off the bill because they saw the boys advertising for their film outside the restaurant and appreciated and respected the hustle. When we decided to dine with a dozen other filmmakers, the owner was so rude and his obnoxious behavior implied that my boys weren't telling the truth about the 20% discount for dining in and didn't honor the kind gesture. He literately came around from the register and got in my face angrily to continue that he could not honor a 20% discount that one of his self chosen employees had volunteered. Needless to say we we're starved, but had to leave this establishment due to principle. At the end of the day, the guy embarrassed himself in front of his employees and patrons over $20 and lost out of $120 worth of business.