I really love Safeways, this one in particular.
Clean, warm, and inviting stores, good selection and quality of food. Their produce is especially good. Unique deli choices.
Their service is phenomenal. Every employee acts like they actually like working there. No one seems like they were just let out on parole, unlike a few other grocery stores... Cashiers are warm and friendly. Even the produce guys ask you how you are doing and will even spontaneously carve up fresh samples of produce for you on the spot. It is like every employee is on happy pills. Kind of remind me of the characters from the move "Pleasantville".
So why only 4 stars instead of 5? The price!! Even their sale items are more expensive than the normally priced items at Fry's, Target, or Wal-Mart. I understand the whole "you get what you pay for" concept and it is great that they attract and keep a good work staff. But I need to stretch my dollar and feed my hungry family on a budget. So, alas, Safeway and I have an on and off relationship.